ESMira is a tool for running longitudinal studies (ESM, AA, EMA, ...) with completely anonymized communication with participants and data collection. Studies can be created over an online interface und participants can either use iOS, Android or a web-browser.
ESMira works without a steady internet connection. All functionality of studies are saved locally in the app and saved data are cached and will be uploaded as soon as there is an internet connection.
Researcher can set up complex charts that will be automatically calculated out of participants' data. These statistics can be either personalised to the participants or calculated out of all participants' data.
Each participant gets a random participant id under which all data is collected. ESMira does not collect any personal data at any time.
Participants can communicate with the researcher from within the app and stay completely anonymous while doing so. Additionally, researchers can send important messages to all participants of a study.
To set up you own ESMira server only minimal IT knowledge is required. Just copy the necessary files onto your server, open the main page of ESMira and follow the instructions. More information
ESMira is developed as a project at Karl Landsteiner University to be used for our own studies and published for the community to use completely free of charge. But please mention ESMira when you use it for your own publications (More information).
The powerful admin tool allows a wide range of options to set up your study exactly as you need it.
The admin tool automatically calculates useful statistics about running studies. And you can always view custom charts right in the web interface.
Studies can have multiple languages. Participants see their respective language version which is chosen automatically or, if their language is not available, they see a default version.
You can download study data as a CSV at any time. Additionally, you can view and filter data directly in the admin tool through a flexible data viewer.
All data is sent to and stored in one place only - your own server. The researcher is the only one who has complete control and access to all data.
Participants can use the web interface to fill out questionnaires or use the respective native apps on iOS or Android. The open source apps in the store are supported and maintained by us. The control over data always stays with you.
ESMira is completely Open Source. Report bugs, give feedback or take part in the development: On GitHub you can find the source code and an extensive wiki for the project.